Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of September 24-30 Discussion #3

  I thought the most interesting concept in Chapter 2 was the “Dreams and Problem Solving” section. This section brought up a good point about reasoning is possible through dreams. We often believe that reasoning is a conscious activity, but in this section it says that cognitive scientists are discovering that much of reasoning is unconscious and automatic. I thought that was very interesting because that is something I didn’t know. Research has showed that “brain function has suggested that dreaming may also be involved with cerebral activity related to reason and problem solving”. When dreaming, our brains have the ability to solve problems that is present in our conscious world. There was an example on this section about a student had problems in her relationship and had a dream that she was driving a long boardlike scooter. Whenever she passed people who asked her for a ride, she let them get on the board until it became difficult for her to balance and end up falling over. When she analyzed the dream, she came to the conclusion that she would put others needs before hers and that is why she having problems with her relationships. In the end she planned and added to her goals: “Learn how to balance my needs and others”.


  1. Hi HelloRWAR,
    I found your post to be interesting because of the way you explained your interpretation of this concept. It is quite interesting that researchers are now realizing that we are unconscious while we reason. To me, I would assume that we reason and think while dwelling on an issue. I never remember my dreams when I wake up so I try to write it down and look up the meaning of it. Most of it is related to situations or issues that I am currently dealing with in my life. It is amazing how dreams are the reasoning of your problems.

  2. Hey HelloRAWR,

    I cant count the amount of times that I have come to a conclusion about a problem because of a dream I had. There are times when I feel overwhelmed in life because of all the commitments I have. There are often dreams that I have that replay a similar situation that I'm going through, but it simplifies the way that I can solve my issues. I am also often over dramatic about what I’m going through, so seeing it play out in a dream makes everything seem simpler.

