Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 Discussion #2

I never had any issues with friends or jobs where I needed to stand my ground on certain issues. But just like any teenager, I have come across some issues with my parents where I needed to stand my ground. I love my parents dearly but there was an issue I had with them about picking a Major for College. Just like what every parent wants, they want their child to succeed in college and graduate with a very strong major. I once had and engineering major until I found out that it wasn’t what I wanted in life, so I switched to Graphic Design. When my parents heard the news they were very displeased about my decision. Yes it was a late decision, but it was mine. I was pressured into getting into this field in my high school years and I just recently decided it wasn’t something I wanted. They argued with me that without an engineering major, I will not have the efficient income to survive in life. I was disappointed that they believed that because I know for a fact that Graphic Design can compete with the engineering income. I explained to them that Graphic Design can go as far as some engineering positions. I proposed many positions a graphic designer can have and argued with many examples to support my position. After all that, they accepted my decision. Although still a little uneasy they respect my decision and accept it. This was a good example of critical-thinking skills that helped me stood my ground and decisions. This was something I wanted for me and I was happy with it. I was able to use my critical-thinking skills using propositions, supporting them with great examples, and concluding that it was something I wanted.

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