Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of September 24-30 Discussion #2

  Dawkins thinks that evolution and a belief in God is not compatible. He brings upon Thomas Aquinas’ “Proofs” and says that it doesn’t prove anything. He thinks that Aquinas’ arguments about a God existing are unsound. As he goes down to each “Proof” he has arguments stating, if not almost mocking, that God is just an illusion. It seems like in his counter argument he’s saying there is no logical that helps show evidence that there is a God that created all things. He brings up that Charles Darwin’s theory pretty much destroys any sign or existence of God because the theory says that Evolution is by natural selection of design and not by a God. If Aquinas were alive today, he would respond to Dawkins position as ignorance. Being a strong believer of God, a Catholic, and a philosopher, I think he would have explained it the same way as he did on his excerpt. He would reason the way he did, and maybe even more. He would stand firmly about his beliefs and maybe even try to reason with Dawkins and change his views about God.

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