Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 4 Discussion #2

Dr. Novello used cause-and-effect inductive reasoning in seeking a solution to the problem of smoking among children by addressing the sudden increase of youth smoking ever since the ads brands of cigarettes were first introduced. And with that said, she went out and banned those ads that targeted the youth. With Dr. Novello bringing up this issue, it showed her cause-and-effect inductive reasoning. She was able to state the issue to the public and explained that brought up the effect of that issue. When the ads showed up, the smoking in youth had increased. With the issue stated, she then brought it to the public to ban such cigarette ads that targeted youth. This is a good cause-and-effect inductive reasoning because she stated the cause of cigarettes being advertised to the youth and in effect there was a sudden increase in youth smoking during 1988 when Joe Camel ads for Camel cigarettes were introduced. In the end she was able to help bring a solution to this problem of smoking among children and teens.

1 comment:

  1. HelloRWAR,

    I liked the story of Dr. Novello in the book because we know of many third world countries suffering and many young doctor Novello’s. It was amazing how she was able to succeed and recognize an issue that we had ongoing with children and teens. The cause-and-effect inductive reasoning is a good trade for people because just like she realized that after the ads began about cigarettes, the problem among teens and cigarettes started. Not everyone can make this connection and luckily she did and educated people on the effect of cigarettes among people. This is what everyone should be able to recognize in our society. This is a great success for her!
