Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week of October 1-7 Discussion #1

Ride exemplifies these qualities in its entirety with actions that relate to a good critical thinker. She showed almost every characteristic there is to a good critical thinker by showing analytical skills, effective communication, research and inquiry skills, and creative problem solving. She exemplifies these qualities throughout her life. According to the article her friends from college described her as what you would expect in a critical thinker. The examples given by her friends are good examples of her being a good critical thinker. Her analytical skills were showed by her realization of the importance of communications skills to achieve her goals. She also so showed creative problem solving skills by being able to express and develop strategies into her life goals. Just like the article state, she showed exemplary communication skills because she was chosen to serve as “Capcom” for the early shuttle flights to handle the ground-to-staff flight communication.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the article about Miss Ride. It is very interesting to read about a female NASA astronaut who shows excellent critical thinking skills. The job of Capcom was very important and she proved to have effective communication skills as well as critical thinking skills. She was able to achieve her goal by acquiring these important skills then, became an astronaut. Ride’s article showed us that these skills are very important to have because they will help achieve goals quickly. To me she is an idol because she is a female who succeeded and achieved her goals. She truly is an inspiration.
