Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 Discussion #3

In chapter 6, Think by Boss, there was a section for propositions which was defined as a statement that expresses a complete thought. I thought this was a very good section to know because this is the door to an argument. Without this door there is not point to an argument. Propositions are claims you would want in an argument because it is the start of one. With solid propositions one can go far with their argument. It would be possible for strong examples and a very good conclusion. Although there are many important parts in an argument I believe propositions are the most important. It is the opener, the door, the beginning for an argument and it is necessary for one to use if they want to win, persuade, or to prove of point. Without it, an argument may become a pointless argument. It can go nowhere and become something else in the end.

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