Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3 Discussion #2

I believe that this scriptural passage doesn’t EXACTLY prohibit the usage of the death penalty. The Death Penalty is something that we humans created. It wasn’t Jesus who directly said “Death Penalty is to be prohibited”. But I do believe that he does want us not to kill one another just “to return hate for hate and evil for evil”. I strongly believe in those teachings and believe that we should not use the death penalty to punish others because of their heinous acts. I strongly agree with Sister Helen Prejean that the death penalty is indeed complete violation of the human dignity and it’s also a violation to the teaching of the scriptures from Jesus of Nazerth himself. Jesus did not directly say that the death penalty should be prohibited, but he was saying that we should not kill one another just because of certain acts.

If people identify themselves as Christians, then they follow the scriptures. If they follow the scriptures, then they don’t support the death penalty. Therefore if people identify themselves as Christians, they don’t support the death penalty.

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