Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week of October 1-7 Discussion #3

One of the concepts that I found interesting was emotive language. This section was very interesting to me because it explained things about what people use for words to get a point across especially those in the media. Media was brought upon this section as one of the prominent use of emotive language. Clearly they use such language to get points across and attract the attention of people. Some examples of words used in this section were “change” from the Obama and McCain era which was to evoke a positive response rather than to convey any actual information, according to this section. Advertising slogans are one of most prominent of emotive language. Slogans capture consumers’ attentions and potential consumers as well. Such as Coke’s slogan, “Things go better with coke”. Words like these capture consumers’ eyes and maybe sucked in to thinking that coke does indeed go better with things. This kind of language are the kind that capture the emotion of others in hopes that they will be on their side or buy from them as consumers.

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