Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of October 15-21 Discussion #2

All three authors talk about the existence of aliens, whether they are real or not. They all have different views about this phenomenon. Condon believes that alien sighting reports should be addressed to the public and there should be a scientific field for it to be researched. Hynek also believes that the UFO phenomena have been overlooked by authorities resulting in it not being studied in a scientific manner. Paytner thinks that aliens don’t exist if there is no physical evidence and argues that without evidence we must remain skeptical about claims about aliens. Each author author’s conclusion is backed up with evidence that they used in their part. Condon has evidence from reports commissioned by the US Air Force that he used in his excerpt. With that evidence he concluded that he hopes to see that these reports can help those in the scientific field and those responsible in the public policy. Hynek uses evidence from his studies, his book, and the Blue Book Project. With his evidence he concludes that UFO investigations cannot be overlooked and should be studied in a scientific manner. Paynter uses evidence that revolves around “highest standards of scientific inquiry” and that if there is no physical evidence of aliens then we should remain skeptical about UFO/alien claims by people. He concludes by saying that if the UFOlogical community wants support for their claims, then they should have physical evidence to show proof. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi HelloRWAR,
    I agreed with Paynter’s reasoning more than the others. He is the one who uses the most effective line of reasoning. He wants facts and studies to prove the existence of UFO’s as opposed to the experts. The other two had an answer to whether UFO’s existed. Paynter said that if something hasn’t been proven yet then it does not exist. I agree with this type of reasoning because it is the most effect in my eyes. Instead of trusting beliefs, I would wait until it is proven by scientific study or facts. Physical evidence is better than having no evidence at all!
