Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week of December 3 - 9 Discussion #3

I honestly don’t know what concept should have been further discussed throughout the semester. I thought that every concept that was given to us has been discussed thoroughly by everyone through our discussion. I felt that everyone knew what they were talking about when these concepts were assigned to us. Everyone knew what they were talking about during these concepts discussion and if they didn't  they would have understood from reading other’s discussions and learn from that. I thought that everyone’s responses were something we could learn from as well if we didn't understand a concept. And if that didn't help, the summarized concepts posts by the professor should have helped. Those posts by the Professor has clearly explained each concept from the book and helped me a lot as well when I wanted something to be cleared. Overall a lot of the concepts during the semester was thoroughly discussed through student responses and summarized posts and I believe that there shouldn't be any concept that needs further discussion.

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