Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week of December 3 - 9 Discussion #2

My favorite thing about the class was the discussions that were assigned to us every week about the concepts we have learned about. I thought this was fun because I got to read other people’s thoughts about many topics that were presented in this class. I enjoyed reading other people’s thoughts about these topics and seeing how they viewed many things and it also helped me learn about the material(s) even more. Everyone’s responses was always different from one another making it a very diverse class and enjoyable to learn from. I would have to say that my least favorite part was the fact that there was only one due date for the group projects. I thought that there weren't enough due dates for the projects because it causes a lot of last minute project work. I think that there should be other due dates for the projects to help stop procrastination from other members. But in the end this was a critical thinking class, and this must have been one of the best ways of learning outside of the discussions and readings.


  1. I agree with what you said about the discussions being one of the best things done in this class. It was interesting learning about what other people had to say regarding the same questions. For example, I'd say something that I would think is unique, but someone else would feel the same way or I would read someone elses posts and it would be about something I hadn't even considered. The diversity of answers made this class considerably better. I believe that the class could have been a bit more flexible in terms of the last project because gathering enough people and getting them in one room was difficult.

  2. Hi HelloRwar,
    I felt the same way about the discussions and group work. I really enjoyed posting to my blog and it was not about dumb new fashion like what blogs usually contain. Our blogs were actually intellectual and insightful concepts that can help us in our lives and careers. I agree with you about the group projects, too. I don’t like that we had group projects at all. I don’t think the professor knows who did what and who did not do any work at all, or who did it last minute. One person might have not done anything at all but still gets credit because the rest of the group members did the work.
